June 2021 - The History of Pride Month and Defining the LGBTQ+ CommunityThe OSUIT Diversity & Inclusion Committee welcomed Toby Jenkins and Alex Wade for a discussion on the History of Pride Month and Defining the LGBTQ+ Community.
SpeakersToby Jenkins is the Executive Director of Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq), an organization based in Tulsa. OkEq is Oklahoma’s oldest gay rights organization which works for social justice and full inclusion for Oklahoma’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ+) citizens and their allies. Jenkins served as a minister for 16 years and through the Tulsa County District Courts for 15 years.
Alex Wade is the Medical Services Director at Oklahomans for Equality, and has been with the organization for over five years. He has a bachelor's degree in English and Gender Studies from the University of Tulsa. He has presented on LGBTQ+ issues to businesses, organizations, and universities across Oklahoma.