Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Segment 1
1:20 Today Host Casey Hentges looks at a beautiful hot-pink, drought tolerant Rose Campion, Lychnis coronaria. A hardy perennial from zones 4-8, it looks its best in its second year.
Segment 2
3:51 OSU Extension Food and Vegetable Crop Specialist, Lynn Brandenberger, has tips on saving and testing the viability your left-over seeds. Try to buy seeds earlier in the week if it's being delivered to you. Keep seeds dry and properly stored away in cool areas.
Segment 3
12:50 We have a beautiful native perennial, Indian Pink, Spigelia marilandica for almost any location. This 2018 Oklahoma Proven has a beautiful red trumpet flower with a bright yellow bloom.
Segment 4
14:40 OSU Plant Disease Diagnostician, Jennifer Olson, keeps our grapes healthy by looking at the foliage for a fungi called Black Rot. These leaf spots happen because of moister on the leaves. For more information check out 'Non-Chemical Methods for Controlling Diseases in the Home Landscape and Garden Epp-7652' fact sheet at facts.okstate.edu
18:53 Jen shows us a trick we can use to help our grapes look their best by using fruit bags. This helps by reducing the amount of pesticides that would go on your fruit as well as keep birds and insects away.
Segment 5
21:40 And OSU Extension Specialist, Shelley Mitchell, explores backyard ecosystems. We take a look under a decaying log to find all kinds of living things like worms, roly polies, beetles, and termites. Take a look in your backyard and see what you can find!
Airdate (06/13/20) #4650
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Oklahoma Gardening is a production of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University and is produced by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Agricultural Communications Services.
All products featured on this program are for demonstration purposes only.
No commercial endorsement is intended.