Segment 1
1:20 In this episode of Oklahoma Gardening Host Casey Hentges keeps the butterflies happy with some native milkweeds. We take a look at some Green Antelopehorn Milkweed, Common Milkweed, and Butterfly Weed, all of which help support the migration of monarch butterflies.
Segment 2
4:50 OSU Plant Disease Diagnostician, Jen Olson, identifies powdery mildew on squash plants and gives us a few tips on how to manage it in our gardens. Be sure to check out this fact sheet for more in depth detail:
Pest Management Series Powdery Mildews of Ornamentals and Fruit, Shade, and Nut Trees EPP-7617
Segment 3
10:00 We get an update on Casey's raised bed and trellis vegetable garden that we planted earlier this spring. It appears that around this time of year we start to see the effects of Herbicide Drift on our plants.
Segment 4
19:15 And Justin Quetone Moss, Professor and Head of the OSU Dep. of Horticulture and Landscape Agriculture, electrifies lawncare with some electric mowers and battery powered tools.
Airdate (06/20/20) #4651
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Twitter: @okgardening
Oklahoma Gardening is a production of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University and is produced by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Agricultural Communications Services.
All products featured on this program are for demonstration purposes only.
No commercial endorsement is intended.