Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Emerging Daffodils and Tulips
Host Casey Hentges shares how your bulbs could be affected by the variable spring weather.
Prepping Garden Beds for Spring Planting
Casey is in the backyard demonstration garden prepping the raised beds for planting.
Don't Buy Magic Seeds
Casey offers some tips to avoid fake plant scams online.
Student Farm Update
Farm Manager Matt Beartrack shares how they created raised beds and planted transplants at the farm.
Rutabaga Fries Recipe
Jessica Riggin serves up a tasty twist on french fries.
Airdate (03/18/23) #4938
To find out more information about show topics as well as recipes, articles, videos, fact sheets and other resources, including the directory of local Extension offices, be sure to visit our website.
http://oklahomagardening.okstate.edu/ You can also find us on:
https://twitter.com/okgardening @okgardening
Oklahoma Gardening is a production of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University and is produced by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Agricultural Communications Services.
All products featured on this program are for demonstration purposes only.
No commercial endorsement is intended.