Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening #5014
Lotus Bog
Host, Casey Hentges, visits Catherine and Joy Pendley as they show us when you're gardening with family it can be a labor of love and a scrapbook of memories.
Fall Planting
Tips/Boxwoods Update
Casey gives us some tips on fall planting and an update on the boxwoods at The Botanic Gardens at OSU.
Winterberry Holly
Extension Specialist, David Hillock, educates us on the Oklahoma Proven Plant, Winterberry Holly.
Soil Painting
Casey shares a creative approach to using our Oklahoma soil.
Airdate (09/30/23) #5014
To find out more information about show topics as well as recipes, articles, videos, fact sheets and other resources, including the directory of local Extension offices, be sure to visit our website.
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Oklahoma Gardening is a production of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University and is produced by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Agricultural Communications Services.
All products featured on this program are for demonstration purposes only.
No commercial endorsement is intended.