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"Dr. Edwards is an expert in selection, training, performance management, leadership, organizational development, and team effectiveness. His current research interests are training and development, performance management, and organizational change and development. Dr. Edwards currently serves on an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Psychology."Transcript:
I'm Bryan Edwards, The Joe Synar Chair and a professor of management at Spears School of Business. I'm also in the organizational behavior area and heavily involved in the Ph.D. program so, I'm the Ph.D. coordinator. I also teach the research methods class for the first semester that PhD students enter the program.
I mentor and work with PhD students throughout their careers and I have several multiple PhD committees. I chair usually one or two PhD dissertations per year, and most of my research, my primary research area is organizational behavior. I do research in teams and leadership but, I also do some research in human resource management related to testing and selection and training and development.
But, most of my research projects now, are student driven. So I let the students pick their specific area of interest and as long as it's close to mine, I enjoy working with them and doing. In fact, I learn a lot more every time I work with a student who picks a dissertation topic that's similar but just a little bit outside of my area of interest.
For example, I do research in trust and communication and I had a PhD student who wanted to investigate how people trust and interact with artificial intelligence. So I said this is great! I've done some research on financial investing and persuasion and influencing others in an area that's not usually where I'm researching.