Research Methods - What is it? with Dr. Lisa Schurer Lambert, Oklahoma State University
From Alexis Hightower
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Dr. Lisa Schurer Lambert is an expert in all things Research Methods. Check out this video of her sharing what it is, her passion, and where it all started! Interested in getting a Ph.D. in Management? Check out to hear about our program!
"Dr. Lambert is a Professor and a William S. Spears Chair of Business. Her scholarship has focused on the employment relationship, leadership, psychological contracts, person-environment fit theory, and research methods and has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organizational Research Methods, and Psychological Methods. Dr. Lambert has served as Chair of the Research Methods Division of Academy of Management and is President-Elect of the Southern Management Association. She is Co-Editor for Organizational Research Methods and has served on editorial boards for the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the Journal of Business and Psychology. She is a frequent instructor for the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) and SMA Fellow."
"Dr. Lambert is a Professor and a William S. Spears Chair of Business. Her scholarship has focused on the employment relationship, leadership, psychological contracts, person-environment fit theory, and research methods and has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organizational Research Methods, and Psychological Methods. Dr. Lambert has served as Chair of the Research Methods Division of Academy of Management and is President-Elect of the Southern Management Association. She is Co-Editor for Organizational Research Methods and has served on editorial boards for the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the Journal of Business and Psychology. She is a frequent instructor for the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) and SMA Fellow."
I'm Lisa Schurer Lambert. I'm a professor in the management department on the organization of behavior side. So I teach research methods, I'm one of several people who do here and we give you really good training research methods, which may sound daunting for those of you who think that the research method side's a little more boring. I was one of those people too. I thought that I would be the person who would take the research methods class and then not really focus on it so I could do the fun parts of research. I found out that through research methods, I can see things. I can see problems. I can see research questions in ways that you can't always see if you're just focusing on verbal part, my math skills are not strong! But, you can learn and it's fun. It's so much fun. I love teaching it.
Do you mind touching on it? So I don't know what research method is. What are the three basic or just an overview of what research methods is? Oh okay, well anytime you do research you're using a method, right? You're using qualitative research, for example. You're talking to people or you're collecting organizational documents and using them as data for what's going on. You can also do surveys of people, which is sometimes the best way if you're trying to get it things that people keep inside their heads. You know they don't wear them on the sign saying "this is how I feel about my company", so we have to ask. We can ask the surveys or interviews for example.
We can also look at anything out there that reflects the idea that we're interested in measuring. So, that could be looking at people's behavior perhaps, taking videos of that behavior and coding it, for you know to what extent do people seem open or do they seem excited about an idea? To what extent are they sending conflicting messages? There are people who specialize in that. So whatever question you're interested in, you have to find a way to measure the things that you're interested in studying. Then you have to figure out how to analyze that data.
So we have a number of different techniques and there's some real common ones that we all need to learn. There's also opportunities for developing new techniques as you can become a little more skilled. So, research methods is the whole process of designing the collection of the data, of how to analyze that data and how to test ideas, the hypotheses that you developed about the relationships that you're interested in.
How long have you taught research methods? Let's see.. 15-18 years, something like that.
Where did you get your PhD then? The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It was in organizational behavior? Yes, It was in organizational behavior. My advisor was Jeff Edwards and I was very very fortunate. It was fun.
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