Verbal Communication, Business Communication - Kristina Schaap, Oklahoma State University
From Alexis Hightower March 13th, 2023
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Kristina Schaap is a Lecturer within the Department of Management. Want to know more about our department? Go to for more information!
I'm Kristina Schaap. Okay and where did you get your undergrad degrees before this? So I did undergrad at OSU and I did my graduate work here too. Okay I've just stayed! What. were those degrees in? English literature, in both Masters and undergrad. Okay cool, now what year did you start teaching at Spears? In 2011.
I'm Kristina Schaap. Okay and where did you get your undergrad degrees before this? So I did undergrad at OSU and I did my graduate work here too. Okay I've just stayed! What. were those degrees in? English literature, in both Masters and undergrad. Okay cool, now what year did you start teaching at Spears? In 2011.
What courses have you taught for Spears? Business communication, written and oral. So one would be about slides, do not overload your slides to a text that is the number one thing I see students do, putting too much content on their slides so don't do that. Don't be nervous, I know that's super hard but everyone's nervous so just try not to be. Everyone's been in your shoes um so just think about it that way. Deep breaths and practice. Number one tip not to be nervous, is to. practice.
When it comes to nervousness, how do you think they could combat that? Just remember to be yourself being yourself is just hugely important. You don't have to be funny, you don't have to be fiery, you don't get up there and try to tell jokes. You're not Steve Jobs. Then so have a conversation. Remember, it's a conversation, back and forth especially when you get into the job you're not going to be just standing up there for something usually. People will be interrupting you and. you'll be talking more than just presenting. So think of it as a conversation.
Smile, be friendly and approachable. Use positive self-talk, watch your body language. I know it sounds silly but beforehand do your power posing. If you've seen that Ted talk about power posting by Amy Cuddy. Do your Wonder Woman pose, you know? Anything like that that can be even positive frame of. mind and then also focus less on yourself and more on your audience. They're there to hear what you have to say. They're excited to learn from you so really focus on that.
When you get too nervous, I mean you can always refocus the audience's attention away from you and onto your side which is really the only time you should look at your side, which I guess would be my third general overall tip is to not look at your sides and to read from your sides.
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