Search for tag: "andy lester"

Forum on Academic Freedom and Free Speech

The OSU chapter of the AAUP and the Office of Academic Affairs are sponsored a forum on academic freedom and free speech. The forum will consist of three 10-minute presentations by Regent Andy…

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From  OSU Communications 0  

SPRING 2013 9:30am COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY: Processional, Introductions and Keynote Address

This is part 1 of 3 of the Spring 2013 1:00pm Commencement Ceremony. Events include the processional, introductions by President Burns Hargis, addresses by President of the Board of Regents Andy…

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From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

SPRING 2013 1:00pm COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY: Processional, Introductions and Keynote Address

This is part 1 of 3 of the Spring 2013 1:00pm Commencement Ceremony. Events include the processional, introductions by President Burns Hargis, addresses by President of the Board of Regents Andy…

From  ITLE 0  

SPRING 2013 4:30pm COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY: Processional, Introductions and Keynote Address

This is part 1 of 3 of the Spring 2013 4:30pm Commencement Ceremony. Events include the processional, introductions by President Burns Hargis, addresses by Regent Rick Davis, Faculty Council Chair…

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From  ITLE 0  

A&M Regents Task Force Findings

Interview with A&M Regent Chair, Andy Lester and Special Counsel James Bryant on report findings and recommendations.

From  OSU Communications 0