Search for tag: "aphids"
An App to Help Manage Aphids?(July 9, 2022) Tom Royer, OSU Extension Entomologist, gives viewers a preview of the “Sugarcane Aphid Glance N Go” app.…
SUNUP: Sugarcane Aphids in SorghumExtension entomologist Tom Royer has a warning concerning sugarcane aphids in sorghum. |
SUNUP: Sugarcane AphidsTom Royer and Scott Armstrong explain how Sugarcane Aphids are impacting Oklahoma sorghum and offer treatment options. |
SUNUP: Full Show August 2, 2014This Week's Segments: Cattle Grazing, Ag Apps, Sugarcane Aphids, Irrigation Study, Farm Bill Update, Market Monitor, Mesonet Weather, Cow-Calf Corner, and Shop Stop. |