Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening #5103! Tulsa Boys' Home
We learn how Danielle Adkins and the Tulsa County Master Gardeners are collaborating with the Tulsa Boys' Home to create a hands-on…
Survivor Tree Maintenance
Gabriel Taylor, director of facility operations at Oklahoma City's National Memorial Museum, shares what the Survivor Tree, an American Elm, has seen and endured over…
Bailey Lockhart, Horticulture Project Coordinator with Oklahoma Gardening, shows us how to read and navigate around a plant label so that you have the most information available when buying or…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:19 Orange Reed Stemmed Orchid
Host Casey Hentges shows us how to add more orange in your garden with the Epidendrum sp. Orange Reed Stemmed Orchid.
Spring is here and Host Casey Hentges takes another look at our espalier trees to see what kind of pruning needs to take place to ensure that design of horizontal cordons
Airdate (05/29/21)…
Host Casey Hentges tells us a few tips to be aware of for the upcoming month of June and the warmer weather ahead.
You can find more detailed and helpful tips on the OSU Fact Sheet website:…
Mark Bays, Urban and Community Forestry Coordinator of Oklahoma Dept. of Ag, Food, and Forestry, stands outside the newly renovated visitor center of the Oklahoma State Capitol and shares with us the…
Host Casey Hentges runs us through some general horticulture tips to be aware of in the month of May.
Make sure to check out the OSU Fact Sheet website for more great information!…
Turfgrass Freeze Damage
Dennis Martin, Extension Turfgrass Specialist, talks us through and points out how we can identify freeze damage on turfgrass.
Airdate (04/03/21) #4740
Questions? …
Host Casey Hentges goes through the process of collecting soil samples. As you come out of winter and before you spread your fertilizer, now is a great time to find out what nutrients are in your…
We discuss an epic freeze that happened here in Oklahoma and talk about how the cold damage affects shrubs, woody, and non-native plants.
Be sure to check out this fact sheet for more helpful…
Take a virtual tour of the Cohn Pet Care Facility where you can board your pet or make arrangements for your furry friend to be cared for when you no longer can.
Charles Fontanier, Assistant Professor of Turfgrass at OSU, shows us comparison of cool season grasses that have been overseeded into a bermudagrass lawn and how applying fertilizer can help lawns…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:30 Introduction to Tree Damage
This week on Oklahoma Gardening we are looking at the damage caused by a recent ice storm that ravaged the trees in most of…
Oklahoma Service Forester, Riley Coy, with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry, gives us tips and advice on how to safely assess the damage done to your trees.
Go to…
OSU Extension Pecan and Grape Specialist, Becky Carroll, is in the orchard to thin the fruit off our peach trees to ensure of big juicy peaches in the future.
For more information about proper care…