Search for tag: "david marburger"
SUNUP: Oklahoma's 2017 wheat harvestDavid Marburger talks about yields, quality and where producers can find results from OSU’s statewide variety trials. David also invites viewers to the upcoming Oklahoma Crops Conferences.
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SUNUP: Wheat update (04/29/17)SUNUP speeds ahead toward harvest. Find out the projected timeline and how wheat are looking in the final stretch from David Marburger.
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SUNUP: Wheat updateSUNUP learns how wheat researchers gather information about first hollow stem and we get an update on the crop from David Marburger.
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SUNUP: The Science Behind Dual-Purpose WheatSUNUP starts with David Marburger explaining Oklahoma State University’s research study on dual-purpose wheat yields.
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SUNUP: What is a Wheat Demonstration Plot?SUNUP starts with planting wheat demonstration plots at the Agronomy Research Station in Stillwater. David Marburger explains the role they play in the land-grant mission in Oklahoma.
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SUNUP: Winter Crop UpdateSUNUP will get a progress report on fall wheat and canola planting from David Marburger and Josh Lofton.
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SUNUP: Wheat Harvest: Update (7/02/16)SUNUP is checking with David Marburger for a harvest recap and early results from the OSU Wheat Improvement Team’s research variety trials.
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SUNUP: Planning for the 2017 Wheat CropDavid Marburger shares where some wheat varieties performed best in the state and has advice for producers planning to graze cattle on wheat.
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SUNUP: Wheat Update May 2016A report on the overall progress of the Oklahoma wheat crop from DASNR’s new Extension Small Grains Specialist David Marburger.
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