We team up with an OSU Bioremediation class to learn how plants can improve the soil and the importance of soil structure.
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Lou Anella, Professor of Horticulture at OSU and Director of The Botanic Garden, demonstrates how laying pavers in the landscape is as simple as four easy steps.
Airdate (05/08/21) #4745…
In this episode of Oklahoma Gardening, Host Casey Hentges shows us an easy way of incorporating blueberries into our gardens.
Airdate (05/08/21) #4745
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Today on Oklahoma Gardening Host Casey Hentges shows us a kaleidoscope of colorful Coleus to add interest in your garden. From ColorBlaze® Wicked Witch™ Coleus to 'Marrakesh'…
This show includes the following segments: Wheat Milling Lab, Flour Quality Demo, ACRE/DCP Signup, Fire Training Class, Mesonet Weather, Market Monitor, Cow-Calf Corner and Shop Stop.