Search for tag: "friday"
Friday with the Family: Burns and Ann HargisOSU President Burns Hargis and OSU First Cowgirl Ann Hargis host a Q/A about how Oklahoma State University and our Cowboy Family are responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. More resources:…
From Chase Carter
A Conversation with Senator Harris & The Friday Afternoon Tea and Glee SocietyIn the late 60s, a group of students created the Friday Afternoon Tea and Glee Society. The group was known for its controversial newspaper called "The Drummer." Articles included topics…
From Nina Thornton
SUNUP Full Show 11/24/12)This week on SUNUP: Pecan Harvest, Equine Therapy, Red Shirt Orange Friday, Market Monitor, Shop Stop, Livestock Marketing, Cow-Calf Corner and Mesonet Weather. |