Search for tag: "funding"

November 28 Deadline for Next Round of Oklahoma's Emergency Drought Funds

Amy Hagerman, OSU Extension agricultural policy specialist, discusses the updates and deadlines for the next round of funding approved by the Oklahoma Emergency Drought Commission. Information from…


Data Bytes - Drilling Down on DMPs

Data Management Plans (DMPs) are an often overlooked tool for effectively planning how and where to store, describe and archive your research data so that it is secure and discoverable. Preparing a…

From  Nina Thornton 0  

Dean's Club - September Update

Hear the latest updates on the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology from CEAT Dean Paul Tikalsky

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From  Ryan Peters 0  

Philanthro Pete: KOSU's Homelessness Project

Click here to help support KOSU's Homelessness Project

From  OSU Foundation 0  

FAPC Launches OSU Food Safety Program

$1 million gift from an advisory board of Oklahoma State University's Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center provides opportunity to develop an OSU food safety program.

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From  FAPC 0