Search for tag: "gilbert"

Gilbert Home Garden

We relax in the shade with Homeowner Carla Gilbert, as we enjoy her fabulous water garden and a yard full of surprises. Tickets and more information at: #5045 Airdate…

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From  Daniel Farris 0  

Oklahoma Gardening May 4, 2024

Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening #5045! History of the Tulsa Garden Club Host Casey Hentges learns about the past, present and future of the Tulsa Garden Club from Club President, Kathi Blazer. Helm…

+23 More
From  Daniel Farris 0  

OSU Implements Block Tuition

Oklahoma State University will implement block tuition starting in the fall semester of 2014. Here's more information from Krissy Gilbert...

From  Krissy Gilbert 0  

FAPC: Milk Bottle Memories

It's a taste of Oklahoma history, and it can be found at the Robert S. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center....

From  Krissy Gilbert & Alexa Stumpff 0