Search for tag: "goats"

Preventing Woody Encroachment (12/12/20)

Laura Goodman explains how universities across the Great Plains are working together to stave off woody encroachment to prairie land. For Extension fact sheets & more visit…

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From  Kurtis Hair 0  

Guard Dogs (11/28/20)

This week on SUNUP, we learn how guard dogs protect herds of small animals.

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From  Kurtis Hair 0  

Vet Scripts - Vesicular Stomatitis (7/18/20)

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about vesicular stomatitis and its entry into Oklahoma. For more information visit…

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From  Kurtis Hair 0  

Vet Scripts - Vesicular Stomatitis (5/9/20)

Dr. Barry Whitworth gives an update on vesicular stomatitis and how it has spread earlier than in previous years. For Extension fact sheets & more visit …

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From  Kurtis Hair 0  

Treating Pregnancy Toxemia in Sheep

Pregnancy toxemia is one of the top three major diseases of sheep and goats treated at OSU's Veterinary Medical Hospital. It is a treatable and preventable disease.

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Vesicular stomatitis

Oklahoma livestock operators are being cautioned to be extra vigilant for symptoms of vesicular stomatitis in their animals, and to report anything suspicious to their local veterinarians…

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From  Kurtis Hair 0  

SUNUP: Vet Scripts (10/15/16)

Dr. Barry Whitworth offers tips on identifying and managing parasites in sheep and goat herds.

From  Kurtis Hair 0  

SUNUP: OSU's Historic Sheep Program

We visit the OSU Sheep and Goat Center during spring lambing season and take a glimpse at the program's history with the significant work of former sheep industry legends Alex McKenzie, Bill…

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From  Agicultural Communications Services, Division of Agricultural Sc 0  

SUNUP: Meat Goat Boot Camp

We head to the Meat Goat Boot Camp and show why this class has become so tight knit.

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From  Division of Agricultural Sciences and Na 0