Search for tag: "kristen baum"
Monarch Butterfly Migration UpdateMonarch Butterflies Kristen Baum, OSU Professor of Integrative Biology, gives us an update on the Monarch Migration and the mowing studies on Highway 51. Airdate (10/17/20) #4716 Questions? …
From sociallyokg
Oklahoma Gardening Episode #4716 (10/17/20)0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening! 1:25 Chrysanthemum In this episode, Host Casey Hentges has a vast collection of mums that can add beauty to empty spots in your fall garden landscape. …
From sociallyokg
SUNUP: Oklahoma, Monarch Stopover StateKurtis Hair shows us how Oklahoma roadsides are changing to help monarch butterflies, thanks to a partnership between OSU/DASNR researchers and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
From Kurtis Hair
Science Cafe presents Monarchs & Milkweeds with Dr. Kristen BaumThe Science Cafe was held in the Helmerich Browsing room at the Edmon Low Library on April 14, 2015. This program is "Monarchs and Milkweeds" with Dr. Kristen Baum. (Posted May, 14, 2015)
From OSU Communications