Chad Selman points out the differences between the care and maintenance of native pecan groves versus the improved pecan orchards that he currently maintains.
Airdate (07/16/22) #4903
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Host Casey Hentges shows off two varieties of the verbena plant. These drought tolerant purple flowers will add a sense of height dimension to the garden,…
OSU fruit and pecan extension specialist, Becky Carroll, explains the benefits and differences of native Oklahoma pecans.
Contact the Oklahoma Pecan Growers Association for more information on…
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Gray Santolina
Host Casey Hentges shows a beautiful drought tolerant plant perfect for the summer heat.
The Benefits of Native Pecans
OSU fruit and pecan…
Chad Selman explains how he manages the nuisance of the Pecan Nut Casebearer moth that can damage pecan crops. Airdate (07/02/22) #4901
Questions? To find out more information about show…
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Host Casey Hentges shows us a colorful germander in The Botanic Garden at OSU.
Teaching Garden at Woodward Park
Andy Fusco, director of horticulture…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:17 Lantana
Host Casey Hentges shows us a colorful flower that is full of blooms in the fall. The Luscious® CitronTM Lantana is perfect for butterflies and…
Becky Carroll, Fruit and Pecan Extension Specialist at OSU, shows us the ‘American’ way to graft your pecans. Make sure to grab your duct tape and rubber bands!
You can find more…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:10 May Horticulture Tips
In this episode of Oklahoma Gardening, Host Casey Hentges runs us through some general horticulture tips to be aware of in the month…
Jennifer Olson, Assistant Extension Specialist and Plant Disease Diagnostician, talks us through the different types of Rust that can be found on your trees and best ways to handle it. …
Pruning Pecan Damage
Becky Carroll, Fruit and Pecan Extension Specialist at OSU, shows us how they're pruning back their pecan trees in the orchard and gives some advice on how to regrow and…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:30 Introduction to Tree Damage
This week on Oklahoma Gardening we are looking at the damage caused by a recent ice storm that ravaged the trees in most of…
Becky Carroll, OSU Associate Extension Specialist for Fruit and Pecans, joins us in the pecan orchard at the OSU Cimarron Valley Research Station in Perkins, Oklahoma to talk about clean up and…
OSU Extension Pecan and Grape Specialist, Becky Carroll, is in the orchard to thin the fruit off our peach trees to ensure of big juicy peaches in the future.
For more information about proper care…