Search for tag: "president hargis"
The Buzz on Business: Burns HargisBurns Hargis, former president of Oklahoma State University decided to make a trip back to campus to join the dean of the Spears School of Business, Ken Eastman, and student co-host, Dalton Wolf on…
Student Government Association Joint SessionOSU President Burns Hargis, Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Lee Bird and SGA President Chase Blevins spoke on university affairs topics that affect all student, faculty and staff. Topics…
From OStateTV Productions
08/19/18 Cowgirl Soccer: Neal Patterson Stadium DedicationWatch as OSU President Burns Hargis, Athletic Director Mike Holder, Larry Reece, along with Neal Patterson's son, Clay Patterson, and Cliff Illig speak at the OSU Cowgirl Neal Patterson Stadium…
From OStateTV Productions
Sights & Sounds: Welcome Plaza DedicationWatch and listen to the Welcome Plaza's Dedication, which is located on the Stillwater campus near the Student Union and ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Center.
From OSU Communications
Message From President Hargis - The Cowboy WayPresident Burns Hargis discusses the importance of showing the cowboy way online and being a good digital citizen.
From OSU Communications