Search for tag: "researchweek"
RESEARCH WEEK: Terahertz RadiationImagine your cellphone downloading data 20 times faster than it does now. One OSU researcher is working on the next step of wireless communication... |
RESEARCH WEEK: Using UAVs to Detect High Levels of CO2Research is being performed at OSU to see how UAV's can detect high levels of carbon dioxide. |
RESEARCH WEEK: That Sore Workout RoutineResearchers at OSU are taking a closer look at muscle strength and the amount of time needed to recover before continuing an exercise routine... |
RESEARCH WEEK: Implicit BiasOne OSU researcher is studying implicit biases and what causes them... |
RESEARCH WEEK: OSU Professor Designs Mechanical Heart for ResearchResearchers at OSU have built a mechanical heart in hopes of learning how to detect hypertrophic cardiomyopathy early.... |
RESEARCH WEEK: The Science of CrowdfundingOne OSU graduate student is researching why crowd-funding websites are so successful... |
RESEARCH WEEK Door-To-Door Political CampaigningOne OSU researcher is studying the effects of knocking on doors as part of political campaigning... |