PhD student, Leslie G.'s Experience in PhD of Management Program at Oklahoma State University
From Alexis Hightower
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Have you thought about getting your PhD but don't know what it would be like? Are you interested in our specific program but want to know other student's experience beforehand? PhD Student, Leslie G. explains her favorite attributes about the PhD in Management program at Oklahoma State.
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Hi I'm Leslie Garza and I'm a first year student in the PhD program in management at Oklahoma State University. Whenever you first come in your first semester, you get paired with an advisor or like it was for me it was two advisors. I am working with Nikos Dimotakis and Anna Leonard. I got paired with them based on my interests so whenever I first came in, they want to know what you're interested in. That way they know if you're a good fit with the professors that we have here on campus, and just to get an idea of kind of what you bring to the program. Those professors are the ones that I've shared with the most so I've been working with them for almost a whole year now for my first year project.
They let me figure things out kind of on my own but with their guidance. So, it's like okay, I want to get the experience of running the data and cleaning it on my own so that I know how to do it, but also they will tell me what is expected because I wouldn't know otherwise.
This semester I also joined a project with Lindsey Greco and still working with Anna and Nicolas and Sherry in that same project. It's a longitudinal study so I'm kind of just helping them on the behind the scenes parts and helping them with Qualtrics and making sure that everything runs smoothly so that whenever the participants do it everything works and we get our data the way that we want it, so that it's easier once we're analyzing it.
So I also just joined semester a project with Bryan Edwards and this is a project that originally Elise has been helping with but she is graduating, so they need someone to kind of help them and keep advancing the project. It is a project that is kind of like my passion project I would say. It's about like nurses and we're trying to see how their tasks can be automated. So we are pairing with another school that is mostly engineers, and I just had my first meeting with them. They're very good at bringing you up to date on what they've done. They share all the documents with me. They don't expect me to just know everything. They walk me through it and tell me like what is expected. Yeah! It's been really good.
They don't expect us to know our passion when we first come in and usually you probably will change your passion as you learn more about it, because you come in thinking like this is what it is and then you learn about all these different things. Or you just go more in depth into the literature and you find other interests so it's very common to change your passion topics. They don't expect us at all to have it already figured out or whenever we're first coming first year or even second year. They really help us figure that out. They don't push us to what their interests are but it's kind of bringing their passions together and figuring out how everything works and just help us guiding us to get to that point. Also, just telling us how they found their passion so that we can figure out like what the steps were for them so that we can kind of follow that.
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