For many alumni, passing through Chilocco’s iconic entrance and spending time on the beautiful lawns and historic buildings is solidified in their memories. While Chilocco housed thousands of…
Julie Pearson-Little Thunder, author of Chilocco Indian School A Generational Story, talks about the Native boarding school and the creation of the graphic novel. Chilocco Indian School A…
In this episode of Flat, Cool & Acid-free, learn about the Chilocco History Project. The project started as a way to document the stories of veteran alumni, but it quickly grew into a much larger…
A Talk with Tsianina Lomawaima, professor at Arizona State University, and Jim Baker, former superintendent, Chilocco Indian School.
COMING UP: Friday, March 16, 2018 at the Edmon Low Library.…
Dr. Mary Jane Warde examines the "Chilocco boys" from the Chilocco Indian Agricultural School who served in the Great War.