Search for tag: "groundbreaking"

Horticulture Education Center Groundbreaking

Casey talks with Lou Anella, Director of The Botanic Garden at OSU, about the groundbreaking for the horticulture education center at the garden. Airdate (04/08/23) #4941 Questions? To find out more…

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From  Daniel Farris 0  

Oklahoma Gardening April 8, 2023

Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening #4941! Species Tulips Host Casey Hentges gives us an update on the species tulips that were planted last year. Dividing Alliums Casey is in the backyard…

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From  Daniel Farris 0  

Groundbreaking for New Tulsa VA

Join elected officials, national VA leaders, funders, partners and architects to celebrate the groundbreaking of a new Veterans Hospital in downtown Tulsa. The project, Veterans Hospital in Tulsa…

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From  OState TV

Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music Groundbreaking

Watch as Oklahoma State University celebrates groundbreaking for the Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music...

From  OStateTV Productions 0  

OSU-CHS Tandy Medical Academic Building Groundbreaking

Watch the rebroadcast of the groundbreaking ceremony of the OSU-CHS A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Medical Academic Building live in Tulsa, Ok. (Streamed on 10/8/15)

From  OSU Communications 0  

Groundbreaking for OSU's New Business Building

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of business education at Oklahoma State University, we are proud to recognize the “Spears School Tributes: 100 For 100.” These tributes represent a…

From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

New Business Building Groundbreaking Ceremony

Groundbreaking for the new Business Building on Sept. 5, 2014

From  Gabe Gudgel 0