03:51duration 3 minutes 51 seconds
Cow-Calf Corner: Calculating Hay Needs
Glenn Selk helps producers determine how much hay their herds will need each day
01:29duration 1 minute 29 seconds
Shop Stop: Breaker Boxes
OkState agricultural engineers Wayne Kiner and Randy Taylor offer lockout options for electrical breaker boxes.
OkState Research Station Reopens Two Years After…
OkState Research Station Reopens Two Years After Tornado
We return to the newly rebuilt and renamed Tipton Valley Research Center, which was devastated by an EF-4 tornado two years ago.
04:28duration 4 minutes 28 seconds
2013 Oklahoma Proven Collectors Choice
David Hillock, OkState Consumer Horticulturist, displays the Oklahoma Proven Collector's Choice: Specialty Fruit Collection for 2013.