Search for tag: "peanuts"
Oklahoma Gardening Episode #4717 (10/24/20)0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening! 1:25 Begonias Host Casey Hentges has some begonias that are as beautiful as they are tough in the sun. 5:16 Popcorn and Candlestick Plants We look at…
From sociallyokg
A New Peanut DiseasePeanut smut is a disease that has devastated crops in Argentina. The USDA and OSU Extension have teamed to produce resistant varieties to stop the disease in Argentina and prevent it from spreading…
From Kurtis Hair
Lasley Family Peanut FarmWe visit Lasley Farms in Caddo County to see how they grow peanuts and deliver their products directly to customers. |
Oklahoma's Peanut IndustryWe visit farm at harvest with a peanut grower in Caddo County. Mike Kubicek, executive director of the Oklahoma Peanut Commission, offers perspective on the industry. John Damicone weighs in on… |
SUNUP: Oklahoma's Peanut HarvestWe visit farm at harvest with a peanut grower in Caddo County. Mike Kubicek, executive director of the Oklahoma Peanut Commission, offers perspective on the industry. John Damicone weighs in on… |