Search for tag: "record"

Panhandle Crops Field Day: How High is Insect Pressure?

(Sept. 16, 2023) SUNUP heads back up to the Panhandle Crops Field Day to talk with OSU entomologist Kris Giles about insect pressures in that part of the state. For Extension fact sheets & more…


Panhandle Crops Field Day: How to Help Pastures Recover

(Sept. 9, 2023) Paul Beck, OSU Extension beef cattle specialist, explains why there isn’t much of a difference in cattle management for producers in the panhandle. For Extension fact sheets…


Panhandle Crops Field Day

(Sept. 9, 2023) Cameron Murley, OSU McCaull Research Station superintendent, explains what producers in the panhandle have been dealing with for the past year. For Extension fact sheets & more…


Flat, Cool & Acid-free: Acquisition

Sometimes the process by which the OSU Archives gets materials is a bit of an adventure and sometimes it can be a bit messy. David Peters, head of the OSU Archives, and Ben Hedges, senior archive…

From  Nina Thornton 0  

Round Table Discussion: Opioid Epidemic

KOSU and The Journal Record hosted a live panel discussion on Oklahoma's opioid epidemic featuring mental health, behavioral health and law experts. (Originally broadcasted: 7/19/17).

From  OSU Communications 0  

Cow-Calf Corner: Record Keeping for Twin Calves

Glenn Selk looks at why record keeping is important when twins are born.

From  Agricultural Communications Services, Division of Agricultural S 0  

OStateReport Interview With President Burns Hargis (part 3 of 4)

OStateReport anchor Dylan Stephens sits down with OSU President Burns Hargis to discuss record enrollment, Greek life and the important roles that First Cowgirl Ann Hargis has at OSU

From  OStateTV Productions 0  

Cow-Calf Corner: Culling Procedures/Record Keeping

Glenn Selk looks at proper culling procedures and record keeping.

From  Division of Agricultural Sciences and Na 0