Search for tag: "shannon"
The Edmon Low Creative StudiosEdmon Low Creative Studios: Tech To Go: Reserve one of the Creative Studios at…
From Nina Thornton
Tech Tuesday @ 2 Planes, Drones and SimulatorsTech Tuesday @ 2 is an on-going series designed to highlight the technology and resources we have at the Oklahoma State University Libraries. Shannon Austin gives an overview of the flight and…
From Nina Thornton
How We Understand Others: Research on TapDr. Shannon Spaulding, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, will discuss the research behind her new book, "How we understand others."
From OStateTV Productions
Insert Tech HereInsert Tech Here: an open house where students, staff and faculty can learn about all the technology like data visualization, flight simulators, virtual reality, Adobe products and audio production…
From Nina Thornton
Tech Tuesday @ 2 From 3D Model to PrototypeA hands-on demonstration using Library laptops and 3D printers to create 3D models for rapid prototyping.
From Nina Thornton
Edmon Low Creative Studios: Inside OSUOSU President Burns Hargis and First Cowgirl Ann Hargis visit the Creative Studios at the Edmon Low Library....
From Nina Thornton
The First Cowgirl: Inside OSUOSU President Burns Hargis visits with First Cowgirl Ann Hargis about her role on campus, and her focus on the importance of wellness. The renovated Atherton Hotel, Edmon Low Library and ABLETech…
From Nina Thornton
Student Stories from the School of Entrepreneurship - Ashley ShannonLearn what makes management sustainability an entrepreneurship student, Ashley Shannon, tick.
From Ryan Peters
SUNUP: Facts about State Question 777Have questions about #SQ777? Larry Sanders and Shannon Ferrell provide an overview of the OSU Extension Fact Sheet they co-authored about State Question 777. Here is a link to the #OkState fact sheet.
From Kurtis Hair
Tech Tuesday @ 2 Built it in BlenderAt October's Tech Tuesday@2, Shannon Garde, library technology specialist, will cover Blender, its use as a 3D modeling platform and how users can utilize the software to bring their ideas into…
From Nina Thornton
Tech Tuesday @ 2 PRINT3DIn April, Tech Tuesday dives into 3D modeling and printing. The Edmon Low Creative Studios are home to three MakerBot Replicator 3D printers and one MakerBot Z18 for large format projects. Library…
From Nina Thornton
Spears School of Business Student Spotlight - Shannon ChiarelloThe Spears School of Business highlights an exceptional accounting student, Shannon Chiarello.
From Gabe Gudgel
SUNUP: Planning for a Family Farm TransitionShannon Ferrell explains how families can successfully transition farms from one generation to the next. |
Everything is Research?An ominous narrator appears in the library, bringing three students news of the Undergraduate Library Research Award. For more details about the Undergraduate Library Research Award , visit…
From Nina Thornton
SUNUP: Oklahoma Water RightsOkState Extension Legal Specialist Shannon Ferrell explains water classifications, permits and landowner rights. |