Search for tag: "wwi"

Why It Matters: Talks on the American Past featuring Justin Prince

Brian Hosmer talks with Justin Prince, author of "Million Dollar Barrage: American Field Artillery in the Great War."

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From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Oklahoma A&M College and the Great War

David Peters, Head of the Archives at the Oklahoma State University Library, presents "Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Oklahoma A&M College and the Great War."

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From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: "A Great Humanitarian Adventure: The American Red Cross and U.S. Foreign Relations During the First World War Era."

Dr. Julia Irwin presents “A Great Humanitarian Adventure: The American Red Cross and U.S. Foreign Relations During the First World War Era.” Find other Great War and Its Legacy lectures…

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From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: "They Did Their Bit. War Animals and the Great War" with Dr. Chelsea Medlock

For many, the First World War is the epitome of industrialized and total warfare; however, the war itself relied heavily on the employment of war animals. Find other Great War and Its Legacy…

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From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: "They are fighting for humanity. Native American People at Home and Abroad in World War I."

Dr. Douglas K. Miller, professor of history at Oklahoma State University, presents "They are fighting for humanity. Native American People at Home and Abroad in World War I."

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From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: "Technological Innovations and the Making of the Great War" by Dr. Justin Prince

Dr. Justin Prince speaks about the technological innovations made during the Great War.

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From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: "Askaris, the Ghost General and the Camouflage Zebra" by Dr. Matthew Schauer

Dr. Matthew Schauer, assistant professor of History at Oklahoma State University, presents "Askaris, the Ghost General and the Camouflage Zebras."

From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: Dr. John Kinder

Dr. John Kinder, associate professor of History and American Studies at Oklahoma State University, presents "Healing the Nation's Wounds: The Great War, Medicine and America's Disabled…

From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: Dr. Thomas Carlson

From "The Great War and its Legacy, 1914 - 1918" series, Dr. Thomas Carlson speaks about "The Great Game, the Great War, and the Mess of the Modern Middle East."

From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: Dr. John Dobson

From "The Great War and its Legacy, 1914 - 1918" series, Dr. John Dobson speaks about the United States entry into World War I.

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From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: The Russian Revolution presented by Dr. Joel JenswoldThe Russian Revolution presented by Dr. Joel Jenswold

From "The Great War and its Legacy, 1914 - 1918" series, Dr. Joel Jenswold speaks about the Russian Revolution.

From  Nina Thornton 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: Dr. Joseph F. Byrnes Religion on the Western Front

In the latest lecture from "The Great War and its Legacy, 1914 - 1918" series, Dr. Joseph F. Byrnes explores religion on the western front and how soldiers, religious organizations, and…

From  Nina Thornton 0