Meg Sokolosky - 2013 Outstanding Senior
From Gabe Gudgel March 6th, 2018
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Friday, April 26, 2013
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Meg Sokolosky is a finance major from Tulsa, Okla. She is the daughter of Noble and Mary Sokolosky.
Sokolosky’s activities include serving as president of the Business Student Council and the Mortar Board Honor Society and as executive director of Varsity Revue. She also served on the executive board of OSU Homecoming and was the OSU Athletic Alliance Director for the Student Government Association. Sokolosky volunteered her time to the Big Event and was fundraising chair for Relay for Life and Performers on the Rise. She was a tour guide for the OSU Office of Undergraduate Admissions and a member of Student Alumni Board and President’s Partners. She was named an Outstanding Business Senior, a Top 10 Freshmen Woman, a Top 3 Greek Junior Woman and a ConocoPhillips SPIRIT Scholar.
Sokolosky plans to work as a management consultant at Credera in Dallas.
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