Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Host Casey Hentges informs us that even though eucalyptus are tropical plants, you can still add it to the Oklahoma landscape as an annual. In the colder climates, above cold hardiness zone 9, you can treat a eucalyptus like an annual and the further south you are a eucalyptus will be more of a perennial.
We travel to OKC and visit with Maureen Heffernan, President and CEO of the Myriad Gardens and Scissor Tail Park Management, to check out the progress of the renovation of the Crystal Bridge Conservatory.
We learn how praying mantises are born with Extension Specialist and Director of Insect Adventure, Andrine Shufran. Hundreds of praying mantis babies hatch from an ootheca, a type of egg mass made by any member of a variety of species including mollusks, mantises, and cockroaches
We check out a different kind of livestock at Vermico Farms with Owner and General Manager, Mike Adel, who gives us the inside look at how worm castings are produced for use of soil enrichment in the garden.
Airdate (10/23/21)
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Oklahoma Gardening is a production of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University and is produced by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Agricultural Communications Services.
All products featured on this program are for demonstration purposes only.
No commercial endorsement is intended.