(Sept. 16, 2023) Amanda de Oliveira Silva, OSU Extension small grains specialist, discusses the recent rainfall and how that will impact both grain-only and dual-purpose wheat planting and emergence.…
(Sept. 30, 2023) We head up to the Tulsa County Fair! For Extension fact sheets & more visit https://extension.okstate.edu SUNUP is a production of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and…
(Sept. 16, 2023) Amanda De Oliveira Silva, OSU Extension small grains specialist, discusses wheat planting for both grain-only and pasture. She also analyzes protein data from her variety trials. For…
(7/1/2023) Mike Schulte, Oklahoma Wheat Commission executive director, discusses the overall wheat harvest progress in the state. For Extension fact sheets & more visit…
(June 10, 2023) Brett Carver, OSU wheat genetics chair, continues his wheat variety discussion from the 2023 Wheat Field Day at Lahoma. For Extension fact sheets & more visit…
(May 27, 2023) Brett Carver, OSU Wheat Genetics Chair, begins his annual Lahoma Field Day variety demonstration. For Extension fact sheets & more visit https://extension.okstate.edu SUNUP is a…
(May 27, 2023) Amanda De Oliveira Silva, OSU Extension small grains specialist, gives a quick wheat update and then discusses how the variety trails are performing at the North Central Research…
(May 6, 2023) Amanda Silva, OSU Extension small grains specialist, says some wheat producers are taking advantage of high hay prices and baling their crop instead of harvesting it for grain.…
(April 1, 2023) Meriem Aoun, OSU Extension wheat pathologist, says disease and virus pressure has been quiet so far this growing season, but things could change fast. For Extension fact sheets &…
(Feb. 18, 2023) Amanda De Oliveira Silva, OSU Extension small grains specialist, gives advice on how to scout for first hollow stem. https://osuwheat.com/author/adeoliveosu/ For Extension fact sheets…
(Feb. 11, 2023) Eric DeVuyst, OSU Extension Farm & Ranch Management Specialist, has guidance on the financial consequences of grazing wheat past first-hollow stem.…
(Feb. 11, 2023) Alex Rocateli, OSU Extension forage systems specialist, discusses planting spring oats as a forage option. For Extension fact sheets & more visit https://extension.okstate.edu …
(Feb. 4, 2023) Roger Sahs, OSU Extension enterprise budget and land values specialist, has information on a new fact sheet that examines wheat graze out versus wheat harvest for grain.…
(Dec. 17, 2022) Amanda Silva, OSU Extension small grains specialist, says the wheat crop is generally smaller so far this growing season, which makes it vulnerable to harsh temperature changes.…
(Oct. 29, 2022) Amanda De Oliveira Silva, OSU Extension small grains specialist, says the recent rain may have saved the wheat crop for a lot of producers. https://osuwheat.com/author/adeoliveosu/…
(Oct. 15, 2022) Todd Baughman, OSU Extension weeds scientist, discusses the concerns of herbicides in failed summer crops used as forage. For Extension fact sheets & more visit…