Search for tag: "cull"
Cow-Calf Corner - Deciding Which Cattle to Cull (9/26/20)Glenn Selk explains why pregnancy checks are also a good time to determine culling decisions for older cows. For Extension fact sheets & more visit SUNUP…
From sociallyokg
Cow-Calf Corner: Repeatability of Calving DifficultiesGlenn Selk has advice on culling cows that have difficulty calving. |
Cow Calf Corner: Culling CowsOkState Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Glenn Selk has guidelines on culling aging cows. |
Cow Calf Corner: Freemartin CalvesOkState Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Glenn Selk explains why freemartin calves (females born with a bull twin) should not be used as replacement heifers. |
Cow-Calf Corner: Culling DecisionsOKSTATE Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Glenn Selk explains how body condition scores may help producers make culling decisions. |
Cow-Calf Corner: Culling Procedures/Record KeepingGlenn Selk looks at proper culling procedures and record keeping. |