03:37duration 3 minutes 37 seconds
Semola Wins the People's Choice Award in Vet…
Semola Wins the People's Choice Award in Vet Med 3 Minute Thesis Competition
Yemi Semola won the People's Choice Award in…
03:32duration 3 minutes 32 seconds
2016 OSU 3MC Presentation
Is Diabetes Breaking the Heart?
03:18duration 3 minutes 18 seconds
2016 OSU 3MTâ Finals Presentation: Zahra…
2016 OSU 3MTâ Finals Presentation: Zahra Maria
03:24duration 3 minutes 24 seconds
Maria Wins 3 Minute Thesis Competition
Zahra Maria is working on her PhD in mechanical…
02:50duration 2 minutes 50 seconds
Faculty Experts: Dr. Edralin Lucas
Dr. Lucas’ research focuses on the role of…
02:16duration 2 minutes 16 seconds
The Psych Approach: OSU professor studies kids,…
The Psych Approach: OSU professor studies kids, chronic illnesses
Larry L. Mullins is professor and head of the OSU…
03:36duration 3 minutes 36 seconds
Eagle Adventure 2012 Dr. Rodney L. Huey Memorial…
Eagle Adventure 2012 Dr. Rodney L. Huey Memorial Champion of Health Award
The Eagle Adventure, a collaboration between the…