Search for tag: "fda"

SUNUP Food Whys - There's What in My Food?

The FDA has establsihed food defect action levels to control allowable amounts of natural or unavoidable defects in food and more. Learn all the details in this SUNUP segment.

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HACCP Verification & Validation

Food safety can be confusing. Let FAPC help by attending our HACCP Verification and Validation workshop.

From  FAPC 0  

FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program Course

The Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center is hosting a workshop to provide an overview of the FSVP rule.

From  FAPC 0  

SUNUP Food Whys: What's in a Hot Dog?

OkState Meat Processing Specialist Jacob Nelson explains what is actually in a hot dog.

From  Agicultural Communications Services, Division of Agricultural Sc 0