2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Shikha Prasad: Artifical Intelligence
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Masoud Moghaddam: Move Out of Your Comfort Zone: High Intensity Interval Training Delays Early Muscle Aging
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Srujana Mereddy: Digital Darwinism
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Ankita Khurana: Why UPS Drivers Don't Turn Left
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by William Hammond: What Kills Trees?
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Vikramsingh Gujar: Controlling Arthritic Pain
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Meryl D'Souza: Are You Going to be Replaced by a Robot?
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Allison Campolo: Is Diabetes Taking Your Breath Away?
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Sabra Billups: Antimicrobial Ice Sanitation
2018 3MC Finals Presentation by Brenda Anaya: The Greenseeder Hand Planter: Helping Subsistence Farmers Around the World
3MC is a head-to-head competition for the winners of the 3MT and 3MP competitions to determine the best. Come out and support competitors from your program or college by casting your vote for the…