The mission of the Mr. and Miss Hispanic/Latinx Oklahoma State University Scholarship Pageant is to further develop the leadership, confidence and creativity of students. The royals will positively…
Amber Pardo, volunteer officer for OSU-OKC's Hispanic Student Association, talks about embracing heritage and culture as part of Hispanic Heritage Month
Meet Alexander Turner-Camacho and Andrea Rice, two Latinx students who tell their stories. They share more about their journey to OSU and how the Hispanic Student Association has impacted their…
OSU-Tulsa clinical assistant professor Dr. Claudia Maldonado-Otto talks to Fox 23 News reporter Amber Hughes about ¡Sí Se Puede! -- a bilingual information event designed to show the…
Mr. and Mrs. Hispanic 2020 (Original Broadcast March 2020)
The incredible life story of accounting student, Jordan Mazariegos.
This week on SUNUP: Efficient Hay Use, Mesonet Weather, Canola Progress, Shop Stop, Livestock Marketing, Cow-Calf Corner, Market Monitor, Hispanic & Women Settlement, and Naturally Speaking
Jennifer Jensen and Ryan McMullen discuss the FSA discrimination claims process for women and Hispanics, one of the topics covered at Women in Agriculture conferences around the state.