Search for tag: "libby whitlow"
Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Culture KeepersWhat does it mean to be a culture keeper and can we consider the Archives to be one?
From Nina Thornton
Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Changing Housing Rules on CampusWhat were the rules you followed when you lived in the residence halls on campus? Follow along with Libby as she discovers why residence hall rules have changed over the decades. A history of strict…
From Nina Thornton
Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Protests at OSUJoin Digital Storytelling Intern Libby Whitlow as she follows some of OSU's biggest organized movements and smaller acts of dissent to see potential threads between protests throughout the…
From Nina Thornton
Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: A Look At History Through Angie Debo's Christmas LettersDebo's work and personal items. Within this collection is Debo's Christmas letters that span a good part of the twentieth century. Upon analyzing her perceptions about the current events…
From Nina Thornton
How To Search Digital CollectionsFind and search the digital collections housed at the OSU libraries. Start at our homepage Search through digital collections at…
From Nina Thornton