Jessica Riggin shows us how to create an easy and versatile bruschetta topping that goes well with any meal. Questions? To find out more information about show topics as well as recipes, articles,…
Barbara Brown shows us how to extend our herb harvest by freezing some basil and parsley.
For more detailed information and steps, check out our website:…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:25 Garden in a Box
Today on Oklahoma Gardening Host Casey Hentges creates an inexpensive box garden with a built in greenhouse that lets anyone grow some…
Segment 1 (1:20)
In this episode of Oklahoma Gardening Host Casey Hentges is dividing and transplanting irises in our garden to ensure of more irises to come next spring. Here’s four general…
Extension Food Specialist, Barbara Brown, safely infuses oil with select herbs.
Infusing oils is a very intricate process. Follow these steps carefully when infusing your own oils at home.
Raman Singh, associate dean for engineering at OSU-Tulsa and director of the Helmerich Research Center, describes the research behind a new DOE grant to develop an environmentally sustainable process…
Michol McMillian Ecklund is the Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary for the Callon Petroleum Company in Houston. Prior to joining Callon in November 2017, Michol worked for…
Meet FAPC's Dr. Nurhan Dunford who was selected as the 2018 American Oil Chemist Society Fellow. Dr. Dunford has been at Oklahoma State University for the past 18 years where she works each day…
Watch the rebroadcast of Dr. Kevin Wagner, Dr. Prem Bikkina, Dr. Seokjhin Kim, Dr. Mark Krzmarzick, Dr. Dave Lampert and Dr. Saleh Taghvaeian discuss Oil and gas extraction produces significant…
The topic of this discussion is "This Research Project is a Disaster" featuring OSU Regents Professor of Sociology Dr. Duane Gill as he talks about his research of the impacts caused by the…
Dr. Frehner, associate professor for history, researches and writes about the history of oil and gas development and geological exploration.
David Kyle of Oklahoma City graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and management. He is the former president of Oklahoma Natural…
OkState Extension Ag Economist Larry Sanders discusses Oklahoma’s oil and gas industry.
A special edition of Science Café OSU on oil and gas exploration was held at the Stillwater Public Library. The program, “Forum: Oil and Gas Exploration Updates,” featured Dr. Todd…
Forum: Oil and Gas Exploration Updates -
Speakers will include Dr. Todd Halihan, OSU professor of hydrogeophysics; Amberlee David, a seismologist with the Oklahoma Geological Survey; and David DeLao,…
OkState Agricultural Engineers Wayne Kiner and Randy Taylor tell us the meaning of motor oil ratings.