02:47duration 2 minutes 47 seconds
Negotiations - Dr. Raj Basu, Oklahoma State…
Negotiations - Dr. Raj Basu, Oklahoma State University
Dr. Raj Basu touches on the three most important…
01:35duration 1 minute 35 seconds
High-Performance Coaching - Dr. Raj Basu
Dr. Raj Basu describes the benefits and…
01:18duration 1 minute 18 seconds
Lessons from Mount Everest - Dr. Raj Basu
01:46duration 1 minute 46 seconds
Superstar Program - Dr. Raj Basu
01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
Discover Your Leadership Style - Dr. Raj Basu
01:08duration 1 minute 8 seconds
Creating and Developing High Performance Teams -…
Creating and Developing High Performance Teams - Dr. Raj Basu
18:25duration 18 minutes 25 seconds
The Dean's Building Leaders Initiative -…
The Dean's Building Leaders Initiative - Working Through Conflict
Join Raj Basu in this fun session full of…
12:35duration 12 minutes 35 seconds
Nutritional Sciences Program: Inside OSU
Oklahoma State (OSU) President Burns Hargis…