Looking for a full-time teaching position? The Virtual Education Career Fair is the ideal place for students who are interested in becoming teachers, school counselors, speech therapists, and more to…
The Virtual STEM Career Fair is the ideal place for students studying science, technology, engineering, or mathematics to learn about job opportunities, meet industry professionals, and practice your…
Looking for a full-time position within Construction Engineering Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture or other related programs? The Virtual Construction Industry Career Fair on Friday,…
Calling ALL MAJORS! If you are a student looking for a full-time job after graduation or a summer internship - don't wait, now is the time when employers are hiring and this is the fair for you!…
From guiding students toward choosing a major to providing opportunities to speak with employers, Oklahoma State University assists students from the moment they begin their college career.
Get ready for the big career fair coming up February 3-4, 2016. We hear from hiring experts on how you can make the most of this opportunity (original broadcast: 1/27/16)
Calling all students: there are two big career fairs on campus this week. Here's what everyone--even freshman--need to know about reasons to attend and how to prepare....(posted 9/14/15)
Amy Jenson gives you some tips to help you prepare for the big career fair....
More than 1000 students visited with 165 different businesses at the Business Career Fair held in Gallagher-Iba Arena. It is the largest career fair of the semester.
Are you ready for the career fair? Getting ready to look for that first job? Career Services will get you on the right track. Here's a look at what they can do for you....