Insect Adventure Director, Andrine Shufran, educates us on how some young spiders move through the air to find a new home. Airdate (11-04-23) Questions? To find out more information about show…
Over the past 25 years, three factors have interacted and resulted in a decline of insect pests in wheat: climate change; new strategies in wheat breeding; and the conservation of beneficial insects.…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:16 Straw Wattle
Host Casey Hentges shows us how we can use a straw wattle, tubes of rice straw manufactured for use in the control and prevention of erosion,…
Eric Rebek, Professor of Entomology and Plant Pathology at OSU, gives us insight about all the little worms we're seeing eat up our turfgrass this time of year. These little guys are Spodoptera…
Cicada Killers in Oklahoma are being mistaken for Asian Giant Hornets, commonly referred to as Murder Hornets.
OStateTV's Malley Jones interviewed, Dr. Wyatt Hoback, a professor in Oklahoma…
2020 Distinguished Alumni and Champions awards recognize those individuals who have made significant contributions to the mission of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at…
Tom Royer says fall armyworms are already on the move and wheat producers need to scout fields every day.
Wyatt Hoback, an Entomology professor at the Ferguson College of Agriculture, gives a hands-on demonstration about the fears and phobias surrounding insects. He shows his students that while the…
The three part building with signature slanted glass windows changed the look of the Oklahoma State University campus. It also united the Department of Animal Science, Department of Entomology &…
To celebrate Oklahoma State University’s Homecoming, we’re looking for orange and black insects with Wyatt Hoback.
Learn about the impact fall armyworms could have on Oklahoma's wheat and canola crops.
Jackie Lee, an OSU Extension entomologist, explains how webworms impact trees and pecans, as well as the treatment options available.
Justin Talley shows us how to identify and treat the ticks appearing this season on horses and cattle.
Justin Talley with mosquito prevention tips.
Extension entomologist Tom Royer has a warning concerning sugarcane aphids in sorghum.
SUNUP looks at insect pressure in spring crops with OkState Extension Entomologist Tom Royer.