03:56duration 3 minutes 56 seconds
The Dr. Bill F. & Jean Kelso Ancient Coin…
The Dr. Bill F. & Jean Kelso Ancient Coin Collection
Click to view the Dr. Bill F. & Jean Kelso…
02:19duration 2 minutes 19 seconds
Edmon Low Library: At the heart of campus
The building that changed the library experience…
02:56duration 2 minutes 56 seconds
Noble Research Center: A 21st Century Building
The three part building with signature slanted…
02:07duration 2 minutes 7 seconds
The OSU Libraries: Mary L. Williams Education and…
The OSU Libraries: Mary L. Williams Education and Teaching Library
Located in Willard Hall, the Mary L. Williams…
02:27duration 2 minutes 27 seconds
Bennett Hall: The finest and largest dormitory in…
Bennett Hall: The finest and largest dormitory in the southeast
The five-unit dormitory set the standard for…
03:21duration 3 minutes 21 seconds
Murray Hall: A new approach to campus residential…
Murray Hall: A new approach to campus residential life
Murray Hall, which opened in 1935, was a five…
02:32duration 2 minutes 32 seconds
Colvin Recreation Center: Inspired by the love of…
Colvin Recreation Center: Inspired by the love of the game
Named after Valerie Colvin, the Colvin…
02:50duration 2 minutes 50 seconds
Student Union: A Look Back
A look back at the historic Student Union, a…
02:24duration 2 minutes 24 seconds
Morrill Hall: The Building That Almost Never Was
The story of Morrill Hall, the second oldest…