Search for tag: "abroad"

Study Abroad to Greece - Dr. Jim Pappas, Department Head of Management at Oklahoma State University

Interested in studying abroad to Greece? Listen to our Department Head, Dr. James Pappas talk about the structure of the 10 day trip, what you would learn and his connection to the country. Want…

From  Alexis Hightower 0  

Doel Reed Center : A Study Abroad Experience for OSU Students

The Doel Reed Center in Taos provides several scholarship opportunities to support students enrolled in credit classes in order to experience innovative educational opportunities. While completing…

From  OState TV 0  

Doing Business in Greece - CAGLE Study Abroad

Learn about the amazing study abroad experience to Greece that is offered by the Center for Advanced Global Leadership and Engagement at Spears Business.

From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

Broadening Your Horizons

Did you know you can complete your studies in other countries around the world? Come to the Study Abroad office in the Student Union to learn more!

From 0  

Spears Business Staff Spotlight - Marissa McIntyre

Get to know alumna and staff member Marissa McIntyre

From  Ryan Peters 0  

Spears Business Student Spotlight - Abigail Crosby

Meet international student Abigail Crosby and learn about her experience during her year-long exchange program at OSU.

From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

Five People to Know at Spears Business

Here are 5 faces you should know if you're a student at Spears Business! Make sure to take advantage of all the resources offered at the business school this year!

From  Ryan Peters 0  

5 Things an OSU-Tulsa Academic Counselor Can Do For You

Sure, OSU-Tulsa academic counselors can help you choose your classes, but did you know they can help you with all of these things?

From  Ryan Peters 0  

The Great War and Its Legacy: "They are fighting for humanity. Native American People at Home and Abroad in World War I."

Dr. Douglas K. Miller, professor of history at Oklahoma State University, presents "They are fighting for humanity. Native American People at Home and Abroad in World War I."

From  Nina Thornton 0  

Dean's Club Student Update - Price Buckley

Hear from mechanical and aerospace engineering senior Price Buckley as he discusses his involvement in the College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology

From  College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology 0  

Doing Business in Latin America - CAGLE Study Abroad in Peru

Spears School study abroad participants share their experience in Peru.

From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

Doing Business in Mexico - CAGLE Study Abroad

Get a glimpse into what the CAGLE trip to Mexico looks like! Explore pyramids, tour prominent Mexican businesses, eat authentic Mexican food, even go to a futbol game! Apply today at

From  Ryan Peters 0  

Jeana Wilson #IAmBuilding

Learn about Jeana Wilson, a business management student who is participating in the 'I Am Building' project.

From  Ryan Peters 0  

Doing Business in Hong Kong - CAGLE Study Abroad

Considering a Study Abroad? Go to China with the CAGLE at Spears Business. The 'Doing Business in Hong Kong' trip is a one-of-a-kind experience that will wow future employers!

From  Ryan Peters 0  

Spears School of Business Alumni Spotlight - Jill Sharp

Spears Business highlights the life and career of successful alumna, Jill Sharp.

From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

Spears School Study Abroad Experience- Peru

Jake Meyer, a junior finance major (minors in accounting and entrepreneurship) from Stillwater, shows us Peru through a student's eyes. He traveled the South American country last month as a…

From  Gabe Gudgel 0