Search for tag: "ag econ"

Research into COVID-19's impact on the cattle industry

Derrell Peel, OSU Extension Economist and Livestock Marketing Specialist, talks about the study on beef cattle industry losses in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Estimated losses…

From  Dave Deken 0  

SUNUP: Oklahoma's 2015 Economic Outlook

OkState Extension Ag Economist Larry Sanders discusses Oklahoma’s economy and the 2015 economic outlook.

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From  Agricultural Communications Services, Division of Agricultural S 0  

SUNUP: Oklahoma's Oil & Gas Industry

OkState Extension Ag Economist Larry Sanders discusses Oklahoma’s oil and gas industry.

+21 More
From  Agricultural Communications Services, Division of Agricultural S 0  

SUNUP: Farm Bill Deadlines

A reminder from the ag policy team about upcoming deadlines for farm bill programs.

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From  Agricultural Communications Services, Divison of Agricultural Sc 0  

SUNUP: What's a MOOC?

OkState Ag Economics Professor Bailey Norwood invites viewers to enroll in OSU’s first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) called Farm to Fork: A Panoramic View of Agriculture.

+20 More
From  Agricultural Communications Services, Division of Agricultural S 0