Student Farm Manager Matt Beartrack shares how they created raised beds and planted transplants at the farm.
Questions? To find out more information about show topics as well as recipes,…
Casey gets an update from Lynda Carrier, OSU Student Farm Manager, about the progress that's been made on the farm and the plans to plant crops this spring. Questions? To find out more…
Host Casey Hentges is getting an early planting of some tomatoes and peppers out in the cover crop beds and getting them prepared for the warmer weather ahead.
Airdate (04-10-21) #4741…
0:00 Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
1:09 Warm Season Crops in Cover Crops
Host Casey Hentges is planting some tomatoes and peppers out in the cover crop beds and getting them prepared for the…
0:00 Haygrazer Cover Crops
4:24 OMRI Landscaping Paper
In this episode of Oklahoma Gardening Host Casey Hentges is in the OSU Cimarron Valley Research Station in Perkins, Oklahoma to give an…
Alex Rocateli tells us about research his team is conducting into a new potential cover crop and forage for Oklahoma.
For Extension fact sheets & more visit https://extension.okstate.edu
In this segment of Oklahoma Gardening, we check in on our bermudagrass eradication study in Cimarron Valley Research Station in Perkins. We look at one of our test plots to see how tilling and over…
OSU Vegetable and Food Crop Specialist, Lynn Brandenberger, shows how he is using a 'crimper' on his living mulch in his high tunnel raised beds to reduce the amount of weeding, heat…
Segment 1
1:25 Today on Oklahoma Gardening Host Casey Hentges shows us a kaleidoscope of colorful Coleus to add interest in your garden. From ColorBlaze® Wicked Witch™ Coleus to…