Search for tag: "faculty experts"

IN THE NEWS: How People React to Resource Scarcity in the Times of COVID-19

Dr. Steven Shepherd, assistant professor in the…

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From  Aaron Campbell 0  

Ask the Experts - Holiday Food Safety

Preparing for the holidays can be both fun and…

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From  Julia Benbrook 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Z. Randall Stroope

Dr. Stroope is one of the top five best known…

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From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Amanda Sheffield Morris

Hear Dr. Morris talk about her research on social…

From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr.Loren Smith

Dr. Smith is an expert on wetlands. Hear him talk…

From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Leon Spicer

Dr. Spicer studies reproduction in cattle. Hear…

From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. James K. Good

Dr. Good is one of the world’s leading…

From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Dianne McFarlane

Dr. McFarlane studies age-related…

From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Craig Wallace

Hear Dr. Wallace talk about his research on…

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From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Dursun Delen

Dr. Delen is an internationally recognized expert…

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From  Gabe Gudgel 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Prabhakar Pagilla

Dr. Pagilla’s research is driven by a…

From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Edralin Lucas

Dr. Lucas’ research focuses on the role of…

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From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Sam Fuhlendorf

Dr. Fuhlendorf’s research focuses on…

From  OSU Research 0  

Faculty Experts: Dr. Riley Dunlap

Dr. Dunlap is widely considered one of the…

From  OSU Research 0