Wes Lee, Mesonet Assistant State Specialist, takes a look at the year-to-date rainfall totals and how Mesonet stations measure rainfall across the state.
Wes Lee also explains how the Mesonet sites…
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Update on the Crystal Bridge Renovation at Myriad Botanical Gardens
Host Casey Hentges visits with Maureen Heffernan, President/CEO of Myriad Botanical Gardens,…
Wes Lee, Mesonet Assistant State Specialist, talks about the wind we've experienced this year and how the Oklahoma Mesonet measures wind speeds. Questions? To find out more information about…
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
All American Selection- Vincas
Host Casey Hentges introduces us to an All American Selection Vincas that can add a pop of color to your landscape. Planting…
Welcome to the Best of Oklahoma Gardening #4907!
Drought Tolerant - Gray Santolina
Host Casey Hentges shows a beautiful drought tolerant plant perfect for the summer heat.
3:20 Mesonet:…
Oklahoma Mesonet Assistant State Specialist Wes Lee takes a look at the heat Oklahomans have been experiencing and how that heat affects both the garden and the gardener. For more information visit:…
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Host Casey Hentges shows us a colorful lavender that is sure to attract pollinators.
Mesonet: Heat
Oklahoma Mesonet Assistant State Specialist Wes…
Wes Lee with the Oklahoma Mesonet explains how to read soil temperature and soil moisture on the Oklahoma Mesonet website and discusses the importance of knowing how this information affects our…
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Tulip Species
Host Casey Hentges shows us a variety of species tulips we planted last fall to evaluate their performance and how well they'll return next…
Wes Lee is reporting on how the dry winter weather is affecting the late blooming of our plants this year. For more current weather information, check out the Mesonet website:
Welcome to Oklahoma Gardening!
Harvesting Asparagus
Host Casey Hentges is in the garden determining which asparagus is ready to harvest. Weather Report
Wes Lee is reporting on how the dry…
Wes Lee, OSU Extension Mesonet agricultural coordinator, discusses soil temperatures and the progression of first hollow stem. Gary McManus, state climatologist, updates the drought monitor and…
Wes Lee, OSU Extension Mesonet agricultural data specialist, says Oklahoma’s soil moisture map looks like it’s from two different states. Gary McManus, state climatologist, is optimistic…
This week on SUNUP:Kris Hiney, OSU Extension equine specialist, compares snaffle bits to curb bits. Wes Lee, OSU Extension Mesonet agricultural data specialist, says Oklahoma’s soil moisture…
This week on SUNUP:Kelly Seuhs, OSU Extension alfalfa specialist, offers guidance on scouting and treating alfalfa weevils. Derrell Peel, OSU Extension livestock marketing specialist, talks about…
Wes Lee, OSU Extension Mesonet agricultural data specialist, analyzes recent and historical soil temperatures during times of extreme cold. Gary McManus, state climatologist, says the latest drought…